Going Beyond Performative Self-Care for Deeper Healing


Hello LOVs! Welcome to March, the month of abundance and introduction to the astrological new year. As we continue the year, I feel the need to continue to remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself. I have been taking a renewed journey toward inner wellness myself and it’s been soul rewarding. Last month, we chatted about how we can create more intentional practices & inner trust.

Intentional living and making decisions on purpose is only the outcome of a greater skill - inner trust. Inner trust is the vehicle that carries our ability to act as it relates to ourselves - it is the foundation in which we build our concept of need & desire. Having inner trust in ourselves means we have faith in our ability to advocate & show up for ourselves in a deep and meaningful way. It doesn’t mean we are perfect, just that we are present, honest, and transparent with ourselves. There is truly no one who knows you better than you!
— february newsletter

Defining Self-Care

Oftentimes when we think of self care, we think of more performative actions. Taking a bubble bath. Getting a pedicure. Going to a yoga class. All things that we think we should do to practice self care but what does it truly do for “self"“? Self care isn’t just spending money on yourself doing things you feel you should do to fill you cup. Real self care happens when you go deep and ask yourself ‘what fills my cup?’

the longest relationship you’ll ever have is the one you cultivate with yourself
— Vanessa Nicole

Going beyond performative self care means getting honest with yourself about what you need in any given moment. Sometimes you might need alone time or to invest in yourself thru pedicures, shopping, etc. but sometimes self care might look like talking on the phone with a friend, working on your internal dialogue, or simply doing something that brings you joy.

Deepening Your Self-Care Practices

The most effective self care practices are the ones that make us feel full from the inside, out. When we have the ability to fill our cups fully and create an overflow, we create capacity to show up fully in our lives without feeling depleted. Creating comprehensive self care practices provides us with an opportunity to create that overflow and reserve of energy for the days we may not be able to pour as much into ourselves.

6 Tips to Deepen Your Practice

If you practice self care thru pedicures, spa days, and long baths that’s totally okay! Here are some other ways that you can consider deepening your self care or adding more variety to your current practices

Find CommUNITY

Having community & support is one of the #1 indicators to living a long, healthy life. Incorporating loved ones into self care practices such as taking a walk, painting, or just talking & laughing can help to encourage happiness chemicals in the brain and long term commitment to new practices. Consider calling a friend, scheduling a girls day, or joining a group focused on an activity you like doing. Looking for community? Consider joining ours!

Be Flexible

Sometimes we get stuck in a self care ritual & feel uninspired by our normal practices. Being flexible & trying new things gives you the opportunity to learn more about yourself and engage in more regular self care practices long term. Consider challenging yourself to try something new by changing the time or day of your normal self care practices, going to a new location, or trying to do things in a new order. The key is to not get too attached to one things or one way of approaching your practices to allow for change and evolution over time.

Incorporate Movement

Moving our bodies is such a great way to tap into deeper forms of healing and release that can allow our bodies and minds the opportunity to simply be without observation or judgement. Incorporating movement such as yoga, hiking, walking, or dancing can be great self care practices that connect you to your body, mind, and environment. Moving our bodies taps into our Sacral chakra which governs our inner desire, sexuality and expression, courage, and feminine expression.

Do Things for Your Inner Child

Inner child healing is such a freeing practice! Doing things you used to like or no longer engage in can give you a sense of fulfillment and joy. Consider feeding your inner child thru play, imagination, & exploration as a way of self care. This can include things such as role play, vision boarding, painting, making up a story, writing a poem, or collecting items you used to enjoy when you were younger.

Incorporate Mirror Work

Have you ever stopped to check in with your internal image? Taking time to engage in mirror work such as speaking affirmations to yourself, admiring your image, touching your body, or playing with your hair can be great ways to connect with yourself, your body, your self worth, & promote healthy internal dialogue.

Align with the Seasons & Your Cycle

Living in flow with your body’s natural cycle along with the seasons can help you to approach your self care with more intentionality and awareness. By resting during winter or pouring into new ideas when you’re ovulating , you create the opportunity to atune your needs to the current moment and act accordingly.


Going beyond performative self care means simply doing things that feel relevant and impactful to YOU. The next time you’re thinking of having a self care day, take a moment to check in with yourself on what you need in the current moment and do EXACTLY that. Remember, the best investment you’ll ever make is in your wellness.


Simple, Beginner-Friendly Breathing Exercises


Cultivating Intentionality & Inner Trust